Monday, November 9, 2015

The Subtle Market

The idea of marketing changes from business to business, each one has their own hooks and each one has their own resources. The larger business can afford team of crack shot marketers and thousands of dollars devoted on just getting their name around. Then for the smaller ones, the ones that have to track every expense to make sure they make ends meet who's marketing rarely expands outside of word of mouth.

The large business may have a large financial backing for their marketing campaign but the small businesses have an advantage as well. The smaller business can make great and very profitable use of Guerrilla Marketing. Guerrilla marketing plays off the word of mouth but it just gives the consumer more of a reason to talk. It can be a cheap inexpensive way of getting your name out their and with the right catch the advert could snowball and gain a few greater reach then intended.
guerrilla marketing examplesIt could be something as subtle as Colgate's toothbrush shaped Popsicle stick hidden with in ice cream to give a friendly reminder to brush your teeth.

3M Security Glass Undercover Marketing ExampleIt could be as bold as 3M Security Glass Challenge,
giving onlookers a chance to make a quick buck with the simple task of breaking the shatter resistant glass. The idea of Guerrilla Warfare isn't about being the loudest or being the most expensive its just about having a little controversy over a product warped seamlessly in your everyday life. The popular series of Game of Thrones ad sitting unexpectedly with in new papers.Game of Thrones - creative newspapper advertisement idea

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