Monday, October 5, 2015

A more personal advertising

       When I think about marketing and advertising for businesses when it come to large international ones and small family owned businesses I think marketing would be wildly different.When I picture it I think of large scale businesses being cold and disconnected from their audience and the was a time where that was the case but as things change and progress, the personal connections and the services within that are growing to be more one on one with customers. That's not the case the more I research and the more I learn, all company are just trying to get that more personal with their target audience. I see large scale businesses like Coca-Cola starting the "share a coke" campaign making personal to the point in giving you drinks with yours, your friends, 
Image result for share a cokeor a loved ones name. This marketing campaign has grabbed a hold of a lot of people, I've seen friends stop and buy a coke not for the drink buy for the name on it. I've also seen smaller companies 

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