Monday, October 26, 2015

The word of Mouth

I find it strange when it comes to customers and word of mouth and it's something I even find myself doing from time to time. Its stated across the internet and you can see it through your own habits, people generally trust and believe friends, family, and co-workers over any form of advertising. The problem with word of mouth is that it can spread bad advertising far faster than it can spread good advertising. There is really just a basic way to have a positive spread, by ending your customers experience on a good note.

         I've seen this through my own experiences, I've seen orders completely in shambles and a furious customer asking for a manger. I watch as there entire experience fall apart from some unforseen reason, like understaffed shifts and computer malfunctions so by the end of it I'd be given at most 2 minutes to come up with some way to make it up to the patron. But if I'm able to size up the customer and articulate the right words to them I'd have a good possibility to end there night in good light.    If the managment team I are able to do what they are needed to do to keep a customer then the chance of seeming them in the establishment again is far greater and even with many more because at the end of there bad experience they saw that they were cared about, that they were given undivided attention by the people who have the entire business to run.

       I see that word of mouth is one of the most powerful advertising tools in the hands of the business but its not controlled by a monthly payment or a contract but by hard work dedication and a very caring and we'll trained staff.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hard fact vs. Gut feelings

                 In marketing and business management it seems to be a toss up between a gut feeling and hard evidence. When looking at data driven marketing you see an out cry for what people want but that must be taken with a grain of salt for it can be skewed by the "norm" of everyday life and has some accountable room for error, but as a whole can give you a more definite answer.The thing with a gut feeling, it helps stay ahead of the game from competitors. 

                   Microsoft is now setting up for their release of the "HoloLens" but why? Sony attempted a similar product in the late 90's wouldn't the same response come from the public now as it did then? I can speak for others, a more immersed world with technology would be amazing and I for one am more than behind this product. With that said, the same issues would still arise, sickness and a loss of bearings. Microsoft took a feeling for a need for such a product aside from the past upheaval with it and gained such a backing for it, I personally don't see how it could fail.

Monday, October 5, 2015

A more personal advertising

       When I think about marketing and advertising for businesses when it come to large international ones and small family owned businesses I think marketing would be wildly different.When I picture it I think of large scale businesses being cold and disconnected from their audience and the was a time where that was the case but as things change and progress, the personal connections and the services within that are growing to be more one on one with customers. That's not the case the more I research and the more I learn, all company are just trying to get that more personal with their target audience. I see large scale businesses like Coca-Cola starting the "share a coke" campaign making personal to the point in giving you drinks with yours, your friends, 
Image result for share a cokeor a loved ones name. This marketing campaign has grabbed a hold of a lot of people, I've seen friends stop and buy a coke not for the drink buy for the name on it. I've also seen smaller companies